A devastating fire that engulfed a dormitory at Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri County has left 18 pupils dead. The tragedy occurred on the night of September 5, 2024, claiming the lives of boys between Grades 4 and 8 who were sleeping in the facility.
The fire broke out at approximately 10 PM, as 156 boys prepared for bed. Chaos ensued as the flames rapidly spread through the dormitory, trapping several students. Despite the efforts of school staff and local residents who rushed to assist, the fire consumed much of the building before firefighters could gain control.
Firefighters, along with medical teams, arrived swiftly, but the situation was already dire. Seventeen students were confirmed dead at the scene, while one more succumbed to injuries en route to hospital. An additional 13 students were severely injured and have been admitted to nearby hospitals for emergency treatment. Their condition remains critical, with medical professionals working tirelessly to stabilise them.
In response to the heartbreaking tragedy, President William Ruto declared a three-day national mourning period in honour of the victims. In a statement, the President expressed his deep sorrow:
“This is a tragic loss for our nation. We will ensure that those responsible are held accountable.”
The government has pledged to support the families affected by the fire and to investigate the cause of the incident thoroughly. The Ministry of Health, alongside the Nyeri County Health Department, has deployed teams to assist in treating the injured and supporting families through this difficult time. The Kenya Red Cross has also been actively providing counselling services to the school community.
The cause of the fire remains unclear, but authorities have launched an immediate investigation. John Onyango, Deputy Director of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), is leading a team comprising forensic experts and investigators from the homicide department. Their focus is on determining the origin of the fire and whether lapses in safety protocols contributed to the tragedy.
The local community has come together to offer support and condolences to the affected families. Donations, including food, clothing, and medical supplies, have flooded in from various organisations and individuals. Notably, the Pankaj Foundation has provided 50 first-aid kits, while MP Shah Hospital has contributed medical consumables to aid in treating the injured.
This tragedy has deeply affected people across Kenya. Vigils and memorial services are being held across the country, with citizens coming together to grieve for the young lives lost and offer prayers for the survivors. Many are calling for urgent reforms in fire safety regulations for schools, especially those in rural areas.
The government has pledged to review and strengthen safety regulations in schools nationwide. Education institutions are expected to carry out regular fire drills and inspections to prevent future incidents. In addition, there is a growing call for increased investment to improve infrastructure in rural schools, ensuring that all children can study in safe environments.
As the nation mourns, there is a collective resolve to ensure that such a disaster never happens again. The investigation is ongoing, and further details are expected as the inquiry progresses.