Parents, guardians and candidates can now access their results directly through a portal announced by the Education CS Julius Ogamba.
“KCSE 2024 results will be accessed directly through Candidates will be required to enter their index number and any one of the names as per the registration data for the 2024 exam results,” he said.
“A total of 965,501 candidates registered for the KCSE examination, recording a 6.89pc increase in candidature, when compared to the 903, 260 candidates presented for the examination in 2023,” said KNEC CEO Dr David Njengere.
In terms of performance, last year’s examinations saw a total of 1,693 candidates score A’s and 246,391 candidates found direct university entry qualification of C+ and above.
10 subjects recorded a drop in performance compared to 2023 with female candidates performing better in several subjects while male candidates outperformed their female counterparts in 23 subjects.
Not less than 840 candidates were cancelled due to malpractice/examination irregularities.