Renowned television presenter Willis Raburu has embarked on a fresh chapter in his career journey subsequent to his departure from Citizen TV. Raburu’s presence has been unveiled by TV 47 Kenya, marking an exciting addition to their diverse team of talented hosts.
Every Friday, Raburu will take the helm of a brand-new show titled ‘Wabebe Xperience’, promising viewers an engaging and entertaining experience.
As he made the long-awaited announcement, Raburu expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “Welcome to the new journey… The wait is over! Announcing my partnership with TV 47 Kenya! WABEBE! #WabebeXP.”
Raburu’s decision to part ways with Royal Media Services (RMS) on June 26, after a remarkable 13-year tenure, was not taken lightly. Reflecting on the transition, he conveyed his gratitude towards RMS for their graciousness during the resignation process, characterizing it as an “amazing transition” that unfolded with a touch of grace.
In the immediate future, Raburu will be focusing on the completion of his Master’s degree. Sharing his upcoming plans, he disclosed, “You may wonder what lies ahead for me. Well, I intend to take a break, to pause and reflect. Step back, evaluate my journey, impart the knowledge I’ve acquired, and continue pursuing my Master’s degree at USIU, specializing in Strategic Communication and Communication Development. That remains my primary focus for now.”
In his farewell statement, Raburu took a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about the significant stories he covered throughout his career. His evolution from a news reporter to a news anchor and ultimately to the host of the famed Friday night show ’10 Over 10′ highlighted his versatility and growth in the industry.
Before joining TV 47 Kenya, Raburu’s portfolio included roles such as a news anchor, news reporter, and host of Citizen TV’s morning show.
Proposed Topic: The Evolution of Television Presenters in the Digital Age
The transition of TV presenter Willis Raburu from his long-standing association with Citizen TV to his new home at TV 47 Kenya underscores the changing landscape of television presenting in the digital era. This topic aims to delve into the journey of television presenters, exploring how their roles, responsibilities, and career trajectories have evolved with the advent of digital platforms and changing audience preferences.
Additionally, it will examine the impact of technology, social media, and digital content on the presenter-viewer relationship, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities presenters face in navigating this dynamic terrain. Through case studies and insights from industry experts, the article will offer a comprehensive analysis of the transformations that have shaped the careers of television presenters in the modern age.